

What is the LoopKiosk?

LoopSafe’s technology is specifically designed for organisations that always need to know who is on their premises, whilst ensuring the privacy and security of individuals’ information.

LoopKiosk is a contactless device which allows people to quickly and easily sign themselves in and out of premises, with supporting requirements and processes set by the organisation. It ensures an accurate record of everyone onsite at any point in time, which is particularly important in the event of an emergency.
It also has a heat sensing feature which notifies the organisation if anyone with a body temperature outside of a healthy range attempts to sign in to the premises.

Through LoopKiosk, what used to be done manually is now automated – ensuring accuracy, a smooth sign in/sign out process, and making visitor management faster and simpler.

Where can LoopKiosk be used?

LoopKiosk is a contactless device which allows people to quickly and easily sign themselves in and out of premises. It can be used anywhere where it’s important for the organisation to know who is on their premises – such as different entry points, or at different specific locations within the premises, e.g the cafeteria.

How does LoopKiosk work?

LoopKiosk is a private, secure, and automated sign-in/out and attendance taking system. It can be used for all types of people at an organisation, including employees, visitors, and organisation members.

LoopSafe’s proprietary technology accurately identifies people in real-time via face recognition, enabling fast, hands-free sign in options, which helps to reduce the spread of germs.

It includes a built-in medical grade temperature sensor to check that each person’s body temperature is in a healthy range and automatically restricts entry if a person has a fever detected, fails to pass a screening question, or doesn’t have a valid requirement or document on file for the entry. If a sign-in is blocked, the LoopSafe system will also automatically send notifications to nominated staff members to action the appropriate steps.

LoopKiosks enable a fast sign in and sign out process for organisations and can be integrated with existing systems such as staff timesheets for payroll or other people management systems.

What are the benefits of LoopKiosk?

All organisations have a duty of care – in particular childcare centres, schools, universities, aged care facilities, and other care providers. They must ensure that people are accurately accounted for, only authorised people are onsite, and that they protect the health and wellbeing of those in their care.

Many industries have evolving compliance requirements for managing people in their care, including many checks and balances related to people coming onto their private premises. The LoopKiosk automates previously manual processes, saving countless hours of staff time allowing them to focus on other high impact tasks.

LoopKiosk helps organisations fulfil their duty of care in ways not possible before.

Is the LoopKiosk Thermal TGA Certified?

Yes. The LoopKiosk Thermal is TGA certified as a Class IIa Medical Device for the use of body temperature reading and is published on the Australian Register of Therapuetic Goods (ARTG ID: 376450)

Privacy and Security

Is LoopSafe's technology safe? How secure is LoopSafe’s technology?

LoopSafe’s technology is globally patented. It is unlike any other people identification technology currently available in terms of its focus on privacy and security.
All LoopSafe products are fully compliant with Australian privacy requirements and meet high security standards.

The LoopSafe system consists of its own hardware and software, providing an integrated and secure technology solution that doesn’t require any additional infrastructure.
Data is only accessible by the organisation operating LoopSafe software (aka the customer), and information is stored on the customers own closed network on Australian servers. No information is transferred to, shared with, or accessible by any third-party at any time.

LoopSafe’s focus on privacy and security makes it the only technology suitable for organisations where privacy is paramount – in particular, aged care facilities, schools, universities, childcare centres, and other similar organisations.

What information does LoopSafe store?

LoopSafe’s technology identifies individuals in real-time within the system’s hardware. The LoopSafe identification algorithm produces a cached string of numbers stored in an encrypted database to perform identification, these numbers are only useful to the LoopSafe algorithm and cant be used by anything else. This means no images are required to be saved ands stored by LoopSafe after the identification process is complete. A single reference image is stored in the customers storage account for backup processing, which is a private account which even LoopSafe does not have access to.

An organisation may choose to use LoopSafe to store information in relation to managing the attendance and sign-in processes, such as visitor contact details. These details are stored in a separate, isolated database to the identification numbers. This ensures a high level of data security, privacy and safety.

Where is the data stored?

Data is only accessible by the organisation operating LoopSafe (aka the customer), and all information is stored on their closed network located on Australian servers.

Is the data sold to third parties?

No. No information is transferred to, shared with, or accessible by any third-party at any time.

Could someone use the information stored by LoopSafe to identify me?

LoopSafe identification algorithms only work on LoopSafe devices. All images are immediately converted (after which the image is deleted) into a series of numbers which is compared to a dataset of similar values. These numbers won’t work with any other biometric system, they are unique to LoopSafe. No images are stored by LoopSafe, and biometric information is de-identified and encrypted.

How long are images stored for?

LoopSafe’s technology identifies individuals in real-time on the device. This means no images are ever stored on the device, as identification occurs immediately. Only a single reference image is needed in the customers private cloud storage environment, which even LoopSafe has no direct access to, ensuring a high level of data security, privacy and safety.

No images are stored by LoopSafe, and biometric information is de-identified and encrypted.

Will LoopSafe be used to track people?

LoopSafe is a private, secure, and automated visitor and attendance management system, designed specifically to be used by organisations that have a pre-existing requirement to know who is on their private premises. It has no purpose other than to record and verify attendance, in line with organisations’ duty of care responsibilities.
The intentional design of the LoopSafe system ensures that a person can only be identified while on the private premises of the organisation operating LoopSafe.

Further, no images are stored by LoopSafe, and biometric information is de-identified, encrypted and unique to LoopSafe devices; and no information is transferred to, shared with, or accessible by any third-party at any time.